May 2024

Connecting to WIFI at KCH

Guest WiFi Services
Guest WiFi Services at Knox Community Hospital are accessible and free to all patients and visitors.

Review our terms of use in the policy noted below (only connect to Guest WiFi if you agree to these terms).

You can connect manually using these properties:

Network SSID: KCH Guest WiFi

Password: wifi4me@KCH

wifi use
Guest Wireless Acceptable Use Policy
This Policy guides the acceptable use of 'KCH Guest WiFi' (referred to without as 'guest wireless' and 'services') at Knox Community Hospital.

Any individual connected to the guest network to use it directly or to connect to any other network(s) must comply with this policy and the stated purposes and Acceptable Use policies of any other network(s) or host(s) used. The following guidelines will be applied to determine whether or not a particular use of the services is appropriate:

  1. Users must respect the privacy of others. Users shall not intentionally seek information on or represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user. Nor shall Users obtain copies of or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to others.
  2. Users must respect the legal protection of programs, data, photographs, music, written documents, and other material provided by copyright, trademark, patent, licensure, and other proprietary rights mechanisms.
  3. Users must respect the integrity of other public or private computing and network systems. Users shall not intentionally develop or use programs that harass other users or infiltrate any other computer, computing system, or network and/or damage or alter the software components or file systems of a computer, computing system, or network.
  4. Use should be consistent with guiding ethical statements and accepted community standards. Use of the Services for malicious, fraudulent, or misrepresentative purposes is unacceptable.
  5. The Services may not be used in ways that violate applicable laws or regulations. 
  6. The Services may not be used in a manner that precludes or significantly hampers network access by others. Nor may the Services be used to significantly impair access to other networks connected to the guest network.
  7. Connections that create routing patterns inconsistent with the effective and shared use of the Services may not be established.
  8. Unsolicited advertising is not acceptable. Advertising is permitted on some Web pages, mailing lists, news groups, and similar environments if advertising is explicitly allowed in that environment.
  9. Repeated, unsolicited, and/or unwanted communication of an intrusive nature is strictly prohibited. Continuing to send e-mail messages or other communications to an individual or organization after being asked to stop is unacceptable.
  10. By connecting to guest wireless, you agree to hold Knox Community Hospital harmless for any damages resulting from Internet access or inappropriate usage.

Knox Community Hospital reserves the right to reduce the speeds of or remove the guest's wireless services at any time, with or without notice.

Knox Community Hospital also reserves the right to block network services that may be harmful to end-user devices as deemed necessary by network security services.

Knox Community Hospital employs content filtering and may block access to sites that are inappropriate for minors or contain offensive materials.

This policy is intended to identify certain types of uses that are not appropriate, but this policy does not necessarily enumerate all possible inappropriate uses. Using the guidelines above, we may determine that a particular use is inappropriate at any time.